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Welcome to the unveiling of this blog. I've been thinking of returning to blogging for a while now after about a long hiatus and the current coronavirus crisis and social uprisings have been inspiring me to return. There have been a number of articles published recently on keeping pandemic journals/diaries, including this NYTimes article on some reasons why readers should keep a "coronavirus diary," "plague journal," or some sort of ritualized jottings. I found some of the reasons pretty inspiring, including using it as an aid for organizing your thoughts and the possibility that your jottings, however informal and under-developed, may be of some small value some day (even if it's just for yourself).  Not everyone wants to talk or hear about crisis-related things. I get it. I've been on multiple Zoom calls where some people can't help but talk about the coronaverse while others plead to talk about anything but. Some folks prefer carrying on as if no

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